Sunday, September 29, 2013

Free Web Hosting using Google Doc/Drive

I was trying to publish some API and I realized the API format I used in my C++ codes are not compatible with the one used by GIT Wiki(Markdown). I did not really went on to see how I can do that on GIT( because I can sense how painful it will be to change all my format in my code). Hence, I went to find solutions to accommodate my current situations.

I found that Google Drive not only allows you to store information on the web, it also allows you to publish materials on the web for free! If you tried to visit the helps sites here and here,you will realize that there are many information that will confuse you as it had confused me. Here is what you need to do to publish your site.

Step 1.
I believe most would know how to do this since you are reading this.
Create a public folder accessible to the Public and upload all your web files (HTML, ...) to the folder you just created.

Step 2.
Find out the folder ID by going to
Navigate to the public folder you created in Step 1.
Noticed that the address now looks something like this: (this link is invalid)

Copy "0BzarOaYG8nb6QlJCRTl5MjJp" and that is your Folder ID.

Step 3.

Now you need to identify your website address. Mine looks like this:

Have you already figured it out already?
Your address to your website is<folder id>, hence in this case it will be:

Some other useful sites you can visit:

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